SATO Europe Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak

01/04/20SATO Europe Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak

At this time of unprecedented change and business volatility, we would like to take the opportunity to reassure you of our commitment to you and your business.

The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and their families is extremely important, and, as previously communicated, we have implemented a range of measures in compliance with Government requirements across Europe to protect them. At the same time, we are focussed on continuing to provide you with the outstanding customer service and support that you have come to expect from us.

As we supply the Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Food Manufacturing and Retailing sectors, alongside other key industries, we are tightly monitoring our supply situation and providing our customers and partners with the hardware, software and technical support they need to operate efficiently and maintain their operations in this time of extraordinary change.

Importantly, today our inventory levels are able to meet current and forecasted demand. However, should they become challenged, as a responsible supplier we will seek to prioritise and support those businesses that are in the front line and need the most assistance in this time of crisis.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their dedication and commitment to supporting each other in this time of extreme uncertainty and if the SATO Europe team can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please stay safe, stay well and we will work through this together.

Thank you.

Laurent Lassus
Managing Director, SATO Europe


