Introducing Printaro: SATO’s Friendly Digital Guide to the World of Supply Chain Management

14/06/24Introducing Printaro: SATO’s Friendly Digital Guide to the World of Supply Chain Management

SATO, a global leader in RFID technology and auto-ID solutions, is proud proudly announces the launch of Printaro, our innovative digital mascot modelled after the intelligent SATO FX3-LX printer. Designed to navigate the complexities of today’s supply chains, Printaro brings a fresh, engaging face to our digital communications.

A New Approach to Learning and Engagement

Printaro will feature across multiple digital platforms, from social media to detailed newsletters. His role is to simplify the complexities of modern supply chain technologies for everyone, from industry newcomers to seasoned professionals. Printaro’s interactions are designed to be informative yet accessible, ensuring that all users can grasp the nuances of effective supply chain management.

Embodiment of Sustainability

Aligning with SATO's commitment to sustainability, Printaro promotes environmentally conscious practices within the supply chain. His messages and campaigns focus on introducing sustainable innovations that reduce environmental impact without compromising efficiency.

From Concept to Campaign

"Printaro represents a key part of our strategy to make complex ideas relatable and easy to understand," explains Emilie Delaunoy, Europe Marketing Manager at SATO Europe. "He is not just a mascot but a symbol of our dedication to innovation and our commitment to the environment. With Printaro's help, we're looking forward to more effectively communicating the benefits of our smart, sustainable technologies to a global audience."

Expect to see Printaro in action starting in April 2024, where he will guide users through the benefits of integrating advanced technologies into their supply chain operations. Through Printaro, we aim to transform the way our customers interact with our technologies, making every step towards digitisation an educational journey.

About SATO

With a rich history in the development of barcode and RFID technology, SATO continues to lead by example, enhancing how businesses collect, track and use data. Our solutions, which span various sectors including food, retail, industrial, healthcare, and logistics , help streamline operations and enhance efficiency worldwide.

To learn more about Printaro and how he can assist your business, visit



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